
No Impact Man

I recently watched No Impact Man from Netflix and I was totally inspired.  Colin Beavan, along with his family, go on a year long journey to see if it’s possible to make no net impact on the environment. In other words, no trash, no toxins in the water, no elevators, no subway, no products in packaging, no air-conditioning, no television, no toilet paper, no diapers, etc.  He swears off plastic, goes organic, becomes a bicycle nut,  and lives by candle light for an entire year.

I suggest all my frugal friends out there watch it!  Now, of course I'm not at all suggesting we take the approach that he did, however, he's radicalism brought awareness to the issue of reducing our waste and can further positive change for our plant and our lives.

Here is a trailer for the movie.

A Few Short Answers from Colin:
  1. One thing to remove from your home?
  2. One thing to bring into your home?
    Water filter
  3. One thing to stop doing?
  4. One thing to start doing?
    Phoning our representatives.
"It’s easy not to waste." – Michelle.
"Make sure that what you use really makes you happy." – Colin. courtesy

    He also has a book out: No Impact Man which I plan on renting from library to read in the coming months.

    There is a bit of skepticism out about Mr. Bevan and his attempts to make serious change as opposed to simply living a crazy life for the publicity of his book.  Nonetheless the exposure he has brought to the rawness of our all-too-powerful consumption society is definitely valid.  Whether or not you agree with his radicalism and his way of processing his convictions, is beside the point.  We as a society must continue to take action and be progressive in living a healthier lifesytle.

    Some of the things I took away from the movie are:

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